

Being a member of Horizon Christian Fellowship is your way of saying, “I’m committed to the well-being of these brothers and sisters, the church’s vision, and the Elders’ pastoral care in my life.” We are committed to intentional church membership where we, as a family of faith, are committing to you and you to us. Becoming a member outwardly expresses your love for God and commitment to follow Jesus Christ. If that’s your desire, here’s how to join.



Step 1: Membership Class and Application

Attend a membership class, which is offered several times throughout the year. You will meet other people interested in our church and learn about our commitments, beliefs, leadership, and ministries. Our membership class takes place on four Sundays from 9:30 to 10:25. You can complete the membership application online by clicking here.


Step 2: Membership Interview

After an individual has attended our membership class, a meeting with an Elder will be scheduled. This meeting allows the Elder to get to know each person and allows the individual to ask further questions about our church in an informal setting. During this interview, we will help guide the individual through the next steps to becoming a member. For some, it may be learning more about continued discipleship or baptism. For others, it may be signing our Church Covenant and being recommended to the congregation for their affirmation vote.


Step 3: Congregational Affirmation

The final step in the membership process involves the Elders recommending each person for membership to the congregation. Because we are an elder-led, congregationally ruled church, each person will be presented before the congregation for a vote to affirm the individual as a new member of Horizon Christian Fellowship El Paso. This vote will take place during a members' meeting.










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